Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh, joy

My friend Liz got this result trying to get her son to act out the letters he was holding.

She says:
All I want for Christmas is to make a Christmas card to
share with people. I mean really, we have so much to rejoice and share
with others. I had an idea in my head of what it would look like.
You know, the kids would smile perfectly the first time the shutter snapped,
they would be in focus, and the lighting would show that the kids were made for
movies. Also, I have been wrapping my mind around how to express the joy
and hope that our family can testify too. But alas, kids are moving
targets. It’s cold outside and dark inside. I don’t have words to
share our happiness perfectly. I guess, this is all because nothing is
perfect, but our Father. Even when He shares his blessings with us, we are
still imperfect humans living life the best we can. I still strive for the
“perfect” life, and when I do I am sorely disappointed. I just gotta keep
it real.

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